and "Corn Cribs: Every Corn Belt Farm Had One"

"Corn Pickers: And the Inventors Who Dreamed Them Up"

Copyright 2025. Robert A. Johnson. All rights reserved.

Bob found out that his mystery picker is a Farm-Aid/Leininger/Kuhlman picker! He's so excited!

Bos Brothers' Summer Harvest Show returns July 25-27, 2025, in Erie, Illinois

We do have copies available and ready to ship

as of MARCH 12, 2025

To print, set your printer scale to 75% and margins to narrow

        First Edition Owners: Send an email to

(if you'd rather print .pdf files

without having to "scale" your printer)

with the subject line: "I WANT PDF UPDATES!"

(These updates are already in the
Second, Third and Fourth Editions.)

A chapter has been added in the Corn Cribs book SECOND EDITION.  If you have a first edition and want print outs of the new chapter and updated index, send an email to with


or call Bob (see Contacts page).

Our apologies to W.W. "Bill" Darrington of Persia, Iowa, in Chapter 18
and DeWayne Adams of Davis Junction, Illinois, in Chapter 21

for misspelling their names in the first two editions.