and "Corn Cribs: Every Corn Belt Farm Had One"

"Corn Pickers: And the Inventors Who Dreamed Them Up"

Copyright 2025. Robert A. Johnson. All rights reserved.

The First Edition of 125 copies sold out in 2 days at the
Half Century of Progress Show in August 2017 in Rantoul, Illinois.
The Second Edition of 125 copies sold out in October 2017.
The first 250 copies of the Third Edition sold out before Christmas.

We will continue to print the FOURTH Edition
in increments of 100 copies

as long as reader interest continues

and orders AND INQUIRIES come in.

This edition comes in a 2-volume book set 

that's easier to handle.

Never before has all the information for EVERY CORN PICKER PRODUCED been gathered together in one place—and this book loaded with color photos for restorers, and for people trying to remember what their fathers, grandfathers and other family members purchased.

OTHER AGRICULTURAL HISTORY BOOKS INFREQUENTLY COVER CORN PICKERS. We know, we’ve read them. No other book covers all the early inventors and company engineers. Personal stories from collectors add more history than can be found in any other book.

This hefty 6.6 POUND, 

turned out to be more of an encyclopedia, 

though, rather than just a picture reference,

although it does have MORE THAN 1,500 PHOTOS AND ILLUSTRATIONS

— with as many of them in color as possible.

Two pages of indexes list the pickers alphabetically by company,

and in order of the year they were manufactured.

Anyone who is interested in getting a book
is encouraged to send in the order form.

Page for page (and pound for pound) when measured against other books of its quality,

the price will be equal--but you’d have to buy 5 of those books to get the history that’s included in “Corn Pickers: And The Inventors Who Dreamed Them Up.”

Not only has the history of the major manufacturers been covered, this book also discusses short-line and short-lived companies that attempted to make a corn picker possible, and INVENTORS WHO TOOK A RISK AND TRIED.

This book also includes INSIGHT into was going on at the time that compelled those inventors to dream of something better, faster—and safer.

​​ The books were printed locally,

by a northern Illinois company,

Perhaps we could have gotten a better deal from
foreign printing companies out there,
but we thought large-scale operations may not have wanted to deal with
a “small-batch” operation like this.
We're not gamblers, so we still want to keep our "stock" of books
low and manageable enough to store in our small home.

We are a "mom-and-pop operation,"
and so we don't have a way to take credit card orders.